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Brad Pilon has written a diet book which is named as eat stop eat, he left his sports career. He left the sports supplement work so that he can learn how one can lose weight and by eating what and leaving what.

Eat stop eat plan:

According to Pilon the human bodies have been made that they can live on a series of constant eating and fasting. Our body is designed in such a way that it stores fat when we eat lot of food, so that it can be burnt later when body is getting no food. He says that if one wants to lose weight very easily they should go back to the old ways, regular short fasts as our ancestors use to do. As per pilon this is the simplest and best way to lose weight without any disturbance to the natural body process. He contradicts the old popular opinion that short period regular fasting affects the metabolism rate of the body. He has proved his opinion with a scientific study which shows that metabolism rate is not reduced even after continues three days of fasting or every alternate day for twenty two days. People who want to diet are advised in this plan the twenty four hour fasting, once or twice a week as it will show the same effects as a crash a diet for the whole week. But the guidelines of this diet plan would not let you starve. If you fast for twenty four hours under this plan you have to eat normally till six in the evening for first day and then on second don’t eat anything until six in the evening. You can eat after six in the evening the other day, this will not let any of your days pass without eating. But one will have to avoid the temptation of over eating once fast is over so that purpose of fast is achieved. The purpose of this fast diet plan is to neutralize the benefits of calorie restrictions.


Artificial sweeteners, herbs, coffee, fruits, tea, vegetables, spices and lean protein are the suggested food for this diet plan. When asked for sample diet plan, polon did not offer any meal plan as according to him rigorous or fixed meal plan is not necessary when you adopt the eat stop eat lifestyle. During this plan resistance exercises are recommend because when you are dieting these exercises help maintaining the muscle tissues, just adopt these exercises two or three times a week. You can add any other exercises as aerobics, yoga and cycling etc as per your wish. To increase the size of the body muscles even when you are restricting body calories the plan suggests that strength training should be adjusted in terms of volume, frequency and intensity.


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